Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Myths and Reality

There is a class that will be starting soon in the community I live in called, "Writing the Book That is In You." I. Want. To. Take. This. Class! Oh do I want to take this class! It may not work out for me due to finances. Still, it has my heart stirring and I have been praying asking the Lord to open up and enlarge my creative capacity. I read a quote the other day, the long and short of it was: make art unashamedly, and while people are critiquing and deciding if they like it... make more art. I found such encouragement in this since the art of writing is something I so desire to do and do well. But intimidation has held me back time and time again.

I love to read and to write. I love to imagine what could be or what will be. C.S. Lewis is, without question one of my favorite authors, and as much as I love his non-fiction pieces and his genius essays. What I love more is his "children's" stories. The Chronicles of Narnia is one of the most fantastic works I've ever read. Once I read one of the books in the series, it's as though I'm in Narnia for days. I'm always looking at the trees waiting for them to lean in and tell me a mystery.

The beauty of his work lies in the fact that what he speaks of is actually...reality. Types and shadows. The tales create wonder and longing in the hearts of the readers, because here's the secret, deep down we know it is true...we at least hope it is true. Something in us bears witness when good ol' Edmund eats that turkish delight, and even more, we cry and rejoice at the redemption of that tender yet fierce Lion. His fiction is really "non" fiction. Myths and fables have their roots in reality. They may have gotten twisted over the ages, but I tell you, God has written eternity on the hearts of man and our imaginations expose this truth. 

I found the best places for me to tap those creative wells is either outside staring out at the sky or studying the trees, as well as in the Bible. If you really think about what they are saying in the Bible, it is wonderful, terrifying, beautiful! And we can retell the story in so many ways. I've been sitting in Isaiah 24 through 26 lately. And here is just a little poem that came out as I've thought about it! Until next time :)

When You return we will weep and dance.
Our faces will shine with light and joy.
Thankfulness will pour from our hearts like singing rivers.
“This is the One we have waited for!”

Your appearing will prove the foundations of myths.
The longing of nations solidified in Truth.
Dragons are slayed and Justice rides on.
We have looked to the sky as we’ve waited for You.

Has this been the whisper of the human soul?
“Gentle Majesty wipe my tears away”
We join with the trees that writhe in longing
Our desire alone is the remembrance of Your name.

Return! Return! Oh Lowly One.
Hearts they long to be satisfied.
Awaken Dawn, usher Him in with singing!
Soon upon You we shall set our eyes.


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bringing Christ Glory in Suffering

I can name on one hand the number of messages I have heard that have wrecked me to the core. Actually, I would say that I could probably chalk it up to two messages total. I remember I went to church alone one evening in November 2010, and sat in the center section a few seats from the back. A man named Stephen Venable spoke that night and his message was on "Bringing Christ Glory in Suffering". I sat in my chair that night and wept afterwards, knowing this was the desire of my heart... how I longed that my life contain such a testimony. That in every season of my life, I would ascribe worth and proclaim the beauty of Jesus even in the midst of my darkest days. 

I cannot tell if that message catapulted me into the next season of my life, or came along in the midst of that season and solidified what was already happening. But what I do know is that desire was being fashioned within. My heart was marked with longing to bring glory to Jesus in all things. Even in suffering. 

That message from Stephen Venable has come floating to the surface once again. It's always been there, it never leaves me, but it has been hidden under a few layers of life (something I regretfully admit). In the middle of what has yet to be my greatest trial, I wish I could say I have from the get-go sang "It is well with my soul" but alas, I've curled up with Ben & Jerry's Half Baked ice-cream, and watched more sitcoms than I care to admit (consider this my confession). Still, I want so badly to set my heart on things above, I want to love and to know Jesus. 

But here is what I'm discovering, I am bad at that! I will not scratch my own back and tell you how I've come up out of the miry clay because I did it right. He will do it in me and I will say yes. I'm not negating my part in this. I have a part to play, I have a yes to give, a heart to open, and a mind to set on things above. But He will be the One to pull me through it all. I can't go back and re-do what has been already done, but I can allow my life to again embrace the worth and beauty of Jesus. 

If you're interested in the message, I found it here. Just click on the link below.

The Glory of Jesus and Suffering